Month: November 2012

First Day on SPC12 – Registration & Keynote

Directly after arriving at the mandala bay convention center (and searching for around 15 minutes) … some impressions from the location and the conference itself for you. Then I headed to Registration and was surprised about the non existant queues (thanks to web checkin terminals and multiple badge handout stations). Additionally we’ve got our personal […]

First Day on SPC12 – after the breakfast

Time to hit the road … it is really not that far the … only 4 miles and 12 minutes travel time. But when you have the BEST navigation system on earth (Sygic Offline Navigation software for android devices) you’ll always take the next highway or interstate to your target. When you take the raw […]

First Day on SPC12 – before the breakfast

The last two days were really an adventure, combined with really heavy jet lag (living in your home timezone for 2 days in Vegas is no fun) made it really complicated to hear your wake up call. But overall I was ready for the show (yeah the conference) around 6 o’clock. After paying the second […]

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